We build the capacity for individuals and organizations to effectively manage and address conflict and differences in the classroom, within educational institutions and in the greater community by providing:
Conflict Management Training
We provide training of trainers on topics such as conflict management skills in the workplace, facilitation, and school conflict management.
Program Development
We help educational institutions develop programs, degrees and centers in the field of peace, conflict education and related programs.
System Design
From the creation of a work plan to achieve your goals for large scale implementation, to the operationalization of that plan, we provide training of trainer programs to build in-house capacity, curriculum and course development, and developing Centers, Certificate and Degree Programs in the field.
Professional Development
We provide training and workshops on topics such as conflict management skills for the workplace, mediation, collaborative decision making, problem solving, consensus, interest-based negotiation, creating a comprehensive school conflict management program, conflict management as a classroom management tool, and dialogue processes.
Course Development
We help develop courses related to peace and conflict resolution, transformation, management and education.
We provide facilitation services. This may include the development of an action plan, to collaborative decision making, to managing difficult conversations.